Helping Teenagers Cope with Drastic Changes in Their Lives

Best CBSE School In Ahmedabad

Adolescence is unique stage where teenagers can experience a range of emotions as they undergo puberty. Along with the physical development teen has to learn to navigate through inner turmoil. Teenagers face a set of challenges such as hormonal changes, breakups, academic demands. To deal with all these is no easy feat. And they may not know how to deal with these drastic changes in their lives. These life events act as a trigger of stress and can furthermore lead to teen depression.

While we welcome the changes, as adults we can help them to understand this new phase and motivate them to feel their feelings when life changes in unexpected ways. To navigate this challenging time seamlessly and face the inevitable uncertainties of this journey we must help them to acknowledge the situation and remind them that change is constant and a normal part of life. The best CBSE school in Ahmedabad foster a responsive approach instead of a reactive approach and make them feel like they are not alone and reassure them that this, too, shall pass. So, while your child is going through puberty you can understand and help them overcome the unanticipated and inevitable obstacles of life.

  • Validate your teen’s feelings

Irrespective of what your adolescent child is feeling doesn’t be dismissive towards them. Don’t ever try to ignore or brush off your teen’s behaviour and try to encourage them to share their feelings through journaling or speaking their mind out, that way it will help them to process the difficult emotions. Acknowledge their mood changes and give them the time to reflect on their reaction so it can run its course.

  • Acceptance of challenging events

Every competent CBSE Board School in Ahmedabad teaches teenagers several ways on how to cope with change. They validate that entering a new chapter in your life can be profoundly daunting, but acceptance will help us to move on. Whether it is a change of schools or entering pubertyphase it can bring out feelings that are difficult to control. But simultaneously teaching them to accept those feelings and transiting them into a positive outlook can make them feel more empowered.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation can really help children to look deeper into the situations and have greater understanding of the changes that they experience during this phase of life. Few minutes a day can really help settle over thinking. Mindfulness is all about living in the present and without being judgemental. The habit of meditation and mindfulness can help children in reducing stress, and anxiety. It improves attention, focus, cognitive performance. It helps in developing better emotional and social intelligence.

  • Physical Exercise

Now when their mind is at peace, they can channelize energy by engaging into physical exercise. The TOP CBSE School in Ahmedabad include physical education as a part of the curriculum. It helps student to develop a sense of achievement as they participate in various sports competitions. It also increases leadership skills and teamwork.

  • Sleep Hygiene

Sleep can decrease the depression level in teens and help them to handle teenage-related challenges with well rested mind. Hence creating a bedtime routine is must. Avoiding gadgets and doing relaxing activities before bed such as taking shower or listening to quiet music keep them away from over thinking. A well-rested mind can deal with strong emotional turmoils easily.

  • Creativity and Flow

Artistic expressions like music, painting, gardening, poetry, reading, and dancing give a greater optimistic experience and help teenagers deal with emotions. We should encourage them to pursue creative activities as it is a powerful way to manage their emotional side. These activities help them feel happy and confidant.


Teenager's biggest struggle is their identity, and who their and how to deal with changes that are happening to them during this phase of their life. It requires a lot of patience and understanding to adapt the change. As an adult we can help them make this phase of life smoother and guide them in a right direction. We can start with everyday habit that can lead them into positive thinking.