Helping Teenagers Cope with Drastic Changes in Their Lives
Adolescence is unique stage where teenagers can experience a range of emotions as they undergo puberty. Along with the physical development teen has to learn to navigate through inner turmoil. Teenagers face a set of challenges such as hormonal changes, breakups, academic demands. To deal with all these is no easy feat. And they may not know how to deal with these drastic changes in their lives. These life events act as a trigger of stress and can furthermore lead to teen depression. While we welcome the changes, as adults we can help them to understand this new phase and motivate them to feel their feelings when life changes in unexpected ways. To navigate this challenging time seamlessly and face the inevitable uncertainties of this journey we must help them to acknowledge the situation and remind them that change is constant and a normal part of life. The best CBSE school in Ahmedabad foster a responsive approach instead of a reactive approach and make them feel lik...